EDWIN BOYER, one of the venerable pioneers of Eaton county, where his parents took up their abode nearly seventy years ago, is the owner of a good farm in Chester township, where he maintains his home, though he is now living retired from the active labors which filled so large a portion of his honorable and useful career. Mr. Boyer is a native of the state of New York, where he was born on the 10th of March, 1825, being a son of Leonard H. and Margaret (Lepper) Boyer, both of whom were born in Herkimer county, New York-the former November 25, 1797, and the latter February 22, 1795, while both passed the closing years of their lives in Chester township, Eaton county, the father having been eighty-five and the mother eighty-four years of age at time of death. Leonard H. Boyer traded a mortgage on land in the state of New York for two hundred and forty acres of land in Chester township, Eaton county, Michigan, and eighty acres in Riley township, Clinton county. At the time these properties came into his possession no white man had presumed to take up his residence on the land, while it is very doubtful whether white men had visited the same, the Indians still roaming unmolested through the dim forests. On the 29th of June, 1837, Leonard H. Boyer and his family made their way into the dense forest of Chester township and established themselves in a primitive home one and one half miles west of the farm now owned and occupied by the subject of this sketch, who was about twelve years of age at the time. a little clearing was made in the woods and in the same was erected a log shanty, eighteen by twenty-two feet in dimensions, the flat roof, slanting one way, being made of elm bark root. Later the family removed to the homestead now owned by the subject of this brief tribute, and here a more commodious and substantial log house was erected for the family dwelling, the same being eventually replaced by the excellent frame residence now utilized. The father, with the assistance of his sturdy sons, cleared about one hundred acres of his land, and at the age of seventy years he retired from active labor and divided up the property among his children, with whom he and his wife thereafter made their home. They had six children: Lydorania is the wife of Parley Worden, who came from the state of New York, they died in Oceana county, Michigan; Sylvinia married Sidney B. Gates and is now deceased; Edwin, of this sketch, was the next in order of birth; Elizabeth is the wife of Jacob Inselman and they reside in Bellevue, this county; Sophia is the wife of Hobson Sinclair, of Sunfield, this county; Jorum resides on a portion of the old homestead, in Chester township, owning one hundred and ten acres. Edwin was reared to manhood in this county and his memory forms a connecting link between the early pioneer epoch and the latter days of opulent prosperity and advancement. He assisted in reclaiming a large amount of land in the virgin forest and is one of the sterling pioneers of the county, honored by all who know him. His present homestead comprises one hundred and forty acres and is well improved. As a young man he married Miss Phoebe Esther Kellogg, who was born in what was then the territory of Michigan, October 3, 1835, and who died in 1890. Four children were born of this union: Harriet, who remains with her venerable father on the homestead: Alma Roena, who is the wife of William Santee, of Chester township; Loa Euphema, who is the wife of Wm. J. Fetterman, of Chester township and Delia M., who died at the age of ten years.