ISRAEL BOYER -- In section 3-4, Sunfield township, is situated the fine homestead farm of this honored pioneer, who has here resided from his childhood days and who represented Eaton county as a loyal soldier of the Union in the war of the Rebellion. He was born in Little Falls, Herkimer county, New York, April 23, 1843, being a son of Henry and Catherine (Newman) Boyer, the former of whom was likewise native of Little Falls. where he was born December 2, 1812, a son of Henry Boyer, Sr., and he died in Roxand Township, Eaton county, Michigan, at the age of seventy-five years; his wife was born in New York state, August 22, 1817, and still resides on the old homestead farm, in Roxand township, being eighty-nine years of age at the time this sketch is prepared. Henry Boyer came to Michigan in 1837 and purchased one hundred acres of heavily timbered land, in section 4, Chester township, this county. Shortly afterward he returned to New York and was there married, remaining in the old Empire state until 1847, when he came with his family to Eaton county to take up a permanent residence. He erected a log house on his land and there continued to reside until 1865, when he sold the property and purchased forty acres of timbered land, in Roxand township. He reclaimed this tract from the wilderness and there passed the remainder of his life, while to him was always given the unqualified esteem and confidence of his fellow men. He joined the Republican party at the time of its organization and took a loyal interest in public affairs, but never sought or held office. Of the children who attained maturity the following data are entered: Mary is widow of Frederick Boyer, of Gratiot county; Israel, subject of this sketch, was the second child; Jane Ann is the wife of William Gould, of Roxand township; Jorum H. was a soldier in the civil war and died while in the service, at Yellow Church, Virginia; Sophronia is the wife of David Litchfield and resides in the village of Mulliken, this county. Israel Boyer was about four years of age at the time of his parents removal from New York to Michigan, and he grew up vigorous in mind and body under the discipline of the pioneer farm, early beginning to contribute his quota to its work and the while attending the little district school as opportunity offered. At the age of eighteen years he found employment by the month at farm work, and continued thus engaged until the nation's integrity was imperiled by armed rebellion, when he subordinated all other interests to respond to President Lincoln's call for volunteers, enlisting, in August, 1861, as a private in Company C, Eighth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, with which he was in active service until October, 1862, when he received his honorable discharge. He then re-enlisted, becoming a member of Company A of the First United States Engineers & Mechanics, and with this important command he was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, continuing in the regular army service until the close of the war, when he again received an honorable discharge. He took part in the second battle of Bull Run and the hotly contested battles of South Mountain and Antietam during the summer of 1862 was with his original regiment in South Carolina, being present at the capture of Fort Pulaski and being at the time on the steamer "Vanderbilt." He was never wounded or taken prisoner, but gave the best of his abilities and powers to the preservation of the Union, making a record of which lie, as well as his descendants, may well feel proud. He has never asked for a pension, though he is entitled to six dollars a month under the provisions of the new service law. He desires no further recompense for duty performed. After the war Mr. Boyer returned home and purchased eighty acres of wild land, in Roxand township. He reclaimed this tract to cultivation and there continued to reside until 1880, when he sold the property and purchased an unimproved farm of eighty acres in the same township. He built a house on this land and lived there one year, in the meanwhile clearing twenty acres. He then old the place and bought a home in Vermontville Township, and here he continued to reside until 1895, when be purchased his present attractive farm, in Sunfield township. He has since bought an adjoining tract of forty acres and now has one of the valuable farms of the township, having improved the dwelling and having erected a large barn and other buildings, while thrift and prosperity are in evidence throughout. He is free from indebtedness and yet has no desire to abate his labors. finding his greatest pleasure in productive work, even though he might relegate the same to others. He is independent in his political views, and only two men for whom he has voted have attained the presidential chair - Grover Cleveland and Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Boyer is a valued and appreciative cornrade in the Grand Army of the Republic, being affiliated with the post at Vermontville. In September, 1869, Mr. Boyer was united in marriage to Miss Harriet A. Clayton, who was born in the state of New York, in September, 1847, and who died in May, 1885. She was a daughter of William Clayton, who passed his entire life in the state of New York. Of the six children of this union only two attained maturity--Susan, who is the wife of Eugene Darkin, residing on the forty-acre farm last purchased by, her father; and Howard, who remains with his father and who has recently purchased a well improved farm of sixty acres, in his home township.