MISS MARINTHIA KINNE is well known to the people of Charlotte and Eaton county, where she has long maintained her home and where she has gained independence and pronounced success through her how excellent business ability and determined efforts, having been engaged in business there for a number of years and being now the owner of valuable real estate in the city of Charlotte, where her circle of friends is circumscribed only by that of her acquaintances. Miss Kinne was born in Oneida County, New York, March 30, 1827, being a twin of Cynthia Kinne, who died in 1880. Miss Kinne is a daughter of Amos and Rachel (Canfield) Kinne, both of whom were born in Montgomery county, New York. The father became a prosperous farmer of Oneida county, being one of the pioneers of that section of the old Empire state, where he reclaimed about one hundred acres of land from the wilderness. He lived to attain the age of seventy-five years, and his wife was seventy-four years old at the time of her demise. Both were devoted and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. They became the parents of twelve children, namely: Nathan, Amos, Jr., Stephen, Emily, David and Dorcas (twins), Hannah, Esther, Lovina, and Marinthia and Cynthia (twins), and Phoebe A. the only two surviving are the subject of this review and her older sister, Mrs. Esther Allen, the latter being a resident of Camden, Montgomery County, New York. Miss Marinthia Kinne, in company with her sisters Cynthia and Phoebe A. located in Charlotte, Michigan, during the latter fifties. After about a year, Misses Marinthia and Cynthia Kinne engaged in the picture and millinery business. Later Cynthia's health became impaired through the climate conditions and she was compelled to return to the east within a short time and she died in Pennsylvania in 1880, but is buried in Charlotte, Michigan. Miss Marinthia Kinne continued her residence in Charlotte, and has won prosperity in temporal affairs and gained and retained the high regard of the community which has so long represented her home. she now owns what she facetiously designated as the "Old Maid" block, occupied by the firm of Harmon & Pennington, in the city of Charlotte, where she also owns the building utilized as the headquarters of her own business, besides two houses and lots. She started her business career with practically nothing and has won for herself a place and a competency, and that without sacrificing her gently and gracious womanhood in attempt to pose as what is now designated as the "new woman."