to whom this memoir is dedicated, was one of the sterling
pioneers of Eaton county, where he took up government
land prior to the
admission of the state to the Union, and having lived
a life of signal honor and
usefulness, doing his quota in the up
building of
the civic and material
superstructure of the county and
serving in various offices of public trust.
Nixon was born in Clarkson, Monroe County,
New York, September 21, 1819,
and died, on his homestead farm, in Delta Township,
Eaton County, Michigan,
September 20, 1896. He was a son of George and Mary
(Radcliff) Nixon, both of
whom were natives of Ireland and both of whom died in
the province of Ontario,
Canada. They were married in the Emerald Isle, whence
they immigrated to
America, first settling in the state of New York and later removing to Canada,
where they purchased a farm, the father dying about
six months later. Of their four
sons the subject of this memoir was the youngest, the
others being: John, who
settled in Delta
Eaton County,
in 1840, becoming the owner of a half
section of land, all of which he sold prior to his
death, which occurred in the village
Grand Ledge; James took up his residence in Delta Township the same year,
purchasing eighty acres of land, which he eventually
sold, passing the closing
years of his life in the city of Saginaw; and Robert,
who bought government land in
Oneida Township,
passing the remainder of his life in this county.
Nixon passed his boyhood and youth in Ontario, Canada, assisting in the
work of the farm and securing a common school
education. In 1836, at the age of
seventeen years, he came to Eaton County,
Michigan, and purchased eighty acres
of government land, in Oneida Township.
He then returned to Canada, where he
remained until his marriage, which occurred December
24, 1839. He then came
again to his forest farm, which was located in what
became known as the Canada
a number of colonists having come here from Ontario about that time.
He reclaimed most of the land to cultivation and then
traded with his brother James
for eighty acres of wild land in section 17, Delta Township,
where his son and
daughter now reside. About the only improvement on
the farm was a log cabin,
which was the family home for some time. He improved
the place, to which he
eventually added forty acres lying across the road,
in section 20, and at the time
of his death his landed estate comprised one hundred
and twenty acres,
the two
first house on the place had a roof of bark and the floor was made of
puncheons, split out of logs. He erected later a
frame house, which is still standing,
which is in use as a tenement dwelling. This was
built in 1855 and was one of the
first frame houses in the township. In 1877 Mr. Nixon
erected the substantial and
spacious brick residence now owned by his son and
daughter, who occupy the
same as a home, though they rent the
farm to desirable tenants. Mr. Nixon experienced the
full tension of pioneer life in
the midst of the wilds of this section, hardships and deprivations being the
common lot, but to all there was a measure of
recompense in the steady progress
made in the matter of development, while genuine
friendship and good will
prevailed on all sides, each of the settlers standing
ready to aid the others, while
the latch-string of the little log homes was indeed
out at all times, offering welcome
to all. Mr. Nixon and his young wife made the trip
through from Canada with an ox
team, and their progress was slow, as no roads had
been constructed through this
section, and he literally was compelled to hew a way
through to his primitive home.
He and his brother Robert and Martin Nichols were the
first three settlers in
Oneida Township.
December 24, 1839, Samuel Nixon was married to Miss Jane Huddleston, who
was born in County
Down, Ireland, October 3, 1820, being a daughter of David and
Nancy A. (Dalzell)
Huddleston, concerning whom detailed mention is made
in the
sketch of the career of their son Samuel, appearing
on another page of this work.
Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston were born in Ireland, whence
they immigrated to the
province of Ontario, Canada, in 1827, there remaining
1850, when they came to Eaton county, purchasing
eighty acres of land, in Delta
township, where Mr. Huddleston died in 1861, aged
eighty-five years, his widow
passing away in 1874, at the age of eighty-four
years. Of their
eight children Mrs. Nancy Agnes Nixon, wife of the
subject of this memoir, was the
eldest. Isabella became the wife of Robert Nixon;
James settled on eighty acres of
land in Oneida Township;
David was a pioneer of Delta Township; Samuel died
December 25, 1905, and the other
five died in infancy or early childhood.
and Mrs. Nixon became the parents of eight children, concerning whom the
following brief record is entered: Maria, who
has never married, remains on the old homestead farm,
in the
ownership of which
she is associated with her
youngest brother, while to her the publishers are
indebted for the data from which this tribute is prepared;
George died at the age of
ten years, David at eight, James at six and Wealthy
at three years; Milton resides
in Alma, Gratiot County;
Charles died in the city of Detroit, in. 1900, having been
clerk of Wayne County
two terms; and Cassius M. is associated in the ownership of
the old home farm, where he resides with his
sister, as already
clearing his land Mr. Nixon gave not a little time to the study of law, having
been a man of fine mentality and having acquired a
liberal fund of knowledge
through personal application. He was never formally
admitted to the bar but did
considerable practice in the justice courts in the
early days, while his mature
wisdom and tolerance in judgment
caused him to be arbiter in many local affairs, in
which his advice was freely sought. For twenty-seven years he
was incumbent of
the office of justice of the peace in Delta Township,
and was elected again, but
refused to qualify. He served four terms as township
supervisor and two terms as
township treasurer, while in 1876 he was elected to
represent Eaton County
in the
state legislature.
all positions of trust his fealty and loyalty was most marked, and he wielded
much influence in local affairs of a public nature,
while no man in the community
enjoyed more unqualified popular confidence and
esteem. In politics he became a
Republican at the time of the organization of the
party, and he continued a stanch
advocate of its cause until the close of his life. He
and his wife were devoted
members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in
whose work they were exceptionally active for many
years, Mr. Nixon having been
a licensed or local preacher in the same. His wife
passed to the life eternal May 5,
1901, having been a noble type of the pioneer women
who so
zealously and faithfully bore their share of the
burdens and responsibilities
incidental to forwarding the march of civilization in
a new country. In 1852 Mr. Nixon
made the trip across the plains to California,
starting in April, and remaining until
the early part of the following year, when he
returned by way of the isthmus of
arriving at his home in February.