ALBERT PORTER, one of the representative business men of Charlotte, where he is secretary and treasurer of the Charlotte Brewing Company, was born in England, March 17, 1853, and is a son of John and Eliza (Chivers) Porter, both of whom likewise were natives of England, where the former passed his entire life; the mother came to the United States and was a resident of Eaton Rapids, Michigan, at the time of her death. Albert Porter secured his earlier educational discipline in England, and later continued his studies in the United States, having been about eighteen years of age at the time of coming to America, in company with his mother. He became a resident of Eaton county somewhat more than a quarter of a century ago, having first taken up his residence in Eaton Rapids, where he engaged in the lumber business, to which he devoted his attention for some time. He then became identified with the management of breweries, familiarizing himself with the practical and executive details of the business, and in 1900 he effected the establishing of the brewery in Charlotte, organizing the Charlotte Brewing Company, of which he is secretary and treasurer. The plant of the company is thoroughly modern and the products of the highest grade of excellence. In political matters Mr. Porter is found arrayed as a stanch supporter of the cause of the Democratic party. Mr. Porter was united in marriage in Cleveland Ohio, to Miss Anna G. Blake, and they became the parents of two sons and three daughters, all of whom are living except one son, who died at the age of eighteen months. Evelyn, the eldest of the children, is now the wife of Floyd Walters, of Eaton Rapids, and the other children remain at the parental home, in Charlotte, namely: Florence, Constance and Albert B., the last of whom married Edith Gibbs.