JOHN S. STRANGE bears a name which has been prominently linked with the annals of Eaton County from the earliest pioneer days, as he is a son of that sterling pioneer citizen, John Strange, to whom is accorded a consistent memorial tribute on other pages of this volume, so that it is unnecessary to recapitulate the record in the present connection. John S. Strange was born on the old homestead farm of his parents, in Oneida Township, this county, October 4, 1848, and after a due preliminary discipline in the common schools of the locality and period he was matriculated in the Michigan State Agricultural College, in which he was graduated as a member of the class of 1870, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science. He continued his studies as a post-graduate and in 1873 received from this celebrated institution the degree of Master of Arts. As a young man he taught in the public schools, both village and country, several winter terms. The greater portion of his life has been passed on the farm which was the place of his birth, and so well equipped is he, both practical and theoretical training, that he has long stood as one of the most advanced and successful exponents of the agricultural industry in this section of the state. His farm, the original homestead of his honored father. who purchased this and adjoining tracts from the government, in 1836, comprises two hundred acres, and is one of the model rural estates of the county, being maintained under most effective cultivation and being improved with excellent buildings and the best of accessories. His life has been filled with earnest endeavor and consecutive application, and none is more appreciative of the dignity and value of honest toil than is he. The training of his youth gave him a sturdy physique, in fact, he has been favored in possessing that great desideratum, "mens sana in corpore sano," a sound mind in a sound body. In his younger lays he was endowed with exceptional athletic power, but this has been directed along legitimate lines of labor, of which he has contributed his full quota as a pioneer and as an energetic and progressive farmer. It was his custom for many years at town meetings to set the mark by making one jump or one hop-skip-and-jump, and it is not recorded that the pattern which he thus set was ever surpassed. As a man his life has been guided and governed by the most exalted integrity of purpose, and he has exercised a beneficent influence upon those with whom he has come in contact in the various relations of life. Born only a few weeks after his loved and noble mother had taken the leading part in effecting the founding of the Oneida Presbyterian church, it may well be said that she consecrated the unborn son for devotion to the cause of the divine Master. He has not falsified this influence, but has ever striven to keep himself "unspotted of the world." He has been a member of the Presbyterian church from his early childhood, and he was for many years ruling elder and the main support of the Oneida church which his mother helped to organize, while his deep and reverent Christian faith has been exemplified in his daily walk and conversation, permeating is every thought, word and deed. His wife also is a devoted and zealous member of the same church. In politics he is al independent Democrat, taking a loyal interest in public affairs but never having sought or held office. He has well upheld the prestige of the honored name which he bears, and is a citizen who common uniform confidence and esteem in the county which has ever been his home. In 1880, Mr. Strange was united in marriage to Miss Janet Townley, who was born in Jackson County, Michigan, October 1, 1848, being a daughter of Richard and Louise (VanFossen) Townley, and a granddaughter of Nicholas Townley, one of the very early settlers of Jackson County. The Townley genealogy is traced back to feudal times in England, and Mrs. Strange is a direct descendant of the Townleys of England whose large estate in London has been in litigation for many years, the American representatives being entitled to a share in the same. Mr. and Mrs. Strange have three children: Louise T., who was born December 15, 1881, was graduated in Alma College, at Alma, Michigan, as a member of the class of 1904, receiving the degree of Master of Science, and she is now a successful and popular teacher, in the school of her home district; Montgomery D., who was born August 30, 1883, and who completed his education in the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, and is now associated with his father in the work and management of the home farm; Helen Agnes, who was born June 10, 1887, was graduated in the high school as a member of the class of 1905, and is now a student in Alma College, as a member of the class of 1909.