ALBERT K. TOWER is one of the progressive and energetic men who are so ably upholding the prestige of the agricultural industry in Eaton county, his well-improved homestead farm being located in Carmel township. Mr. Tower has been a resident of the county from the age of twelve years, but claims the old Empire state as the place of his nativity, having been born in Niagara county, New York, August 3, 1855, a son of William and Anna (Knowles) Tower, who came to Michigan in 1866, settling on the farm now owned and occupied by the subject of this sketch. The father improved the farm, to a large extent reclaiming it from the wild state, and here he continued to make his home until his death, which occurred in 1890. His widow still lives on the homestead, with their son Albert K., whose name initiates this paragraph. Of the five children three are living -- Mrs. C. J. Grier, of Charlotte; George L., of Chicago, and Albert K., of this sketch. Mr. tower secured his fundamental education in New York state and supplemented this by attending the schools of Eaton county after his parents had here established their home. He has continuously resided on the homestead, having assisted materially in improving the same and having come into ownership of the place after the death of his father. He has one hundred and twenty-five acres, practically all being available for cultivation at the present time. He supplies the city of Charlotte with a large portion of the ice there utilized during the summer season, putting up a large quantity each year and securing the same from fine ponds on his farm, said sheets of water being fed by fine natural springs. He is progressive in his ideas and is making his place one of the model farms of this section of the state. In politics Mr. Tower accords an unwavering allegiance to the Republican party, in whose cause he has been an active worker in a local province. He has been called upon to serve in various offices, indicating the reposal of popular confidence and esteem, having been township clerk and township treasurer, and has been chairman of the board of supervisors of Carmel township for two years. He is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In 1883 Mr. tower was united in marriage to Miss Abbie Brown, who was born and reared in Ionia County, and they have been the parents of five children: Max L., Kenneth W., Alice D. died at the age of fourteen months; Louise and Robert.